F1 Night

A belated post.. had not had time to post photos recently, but I had a chance to experience the thrill of F1 engines 2 weeks ago. It was great. I had the lucky opportunity to take in some sights and sounds from the rooftop of the Asian Civilisations Museum, but unfortunately was not close enough to get any good pictures of the cars. At full zoom, the pictures were either too blurry or too dim to use. What I have are some other sights:

From 2008_09_26 F1
Decided to use a square format here, showing the grandstand and the Singapore Flyer

From 2008_09_26 F1
The Esplanade roof against other buildings here makes for a beautiful urban pic.

From 2008_09_26 F1
The only shots I could get from my vantage point were stuff like this.

From 2008_09_26 F1
Some other views from the night...

From 2008_09_26 F1
And a lovely view of the lit-up Cavanagh Bridge and Fullerton Hotel.

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